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Whitney Portal Road Information Status


Whitney Portal Road Information Status

Inyo County Public Works Department

Upcoming Public Meetings in Lone Pine

Inyo County has scheduled two upcoming public meetings in Lone Pine to keep residents apprised of progress on the Whitney Portal Road Reconstruction Project.

The meetings will be held on Thursday, March 23, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the Lone Pine Unified School District Auditorium, 535 S. Main Street, Lone Pine, CA 93545.

The purpose of the meetings is to provide an update on the project, including the current status of the repairs, the anticipated timeline for completion, and information about upcoming detours.

Inyo County Public Works staff will be present to answer questions from the public.

Whitney Portal Road was damaged in a series of storms that hit Inyo County in October and November of 2022. The storms dumped more than a year's worth of precipitation on the county in a matter of days, causing widespread flooding and damage.

Whitney Portal Road is a critical access route to the eastern Sierra Nevada mountains, including Mount Whitney, the highest peak in the contiguous United States. The road is also a popular route for tourists and recreationists visiting the area.

Inyo County has been working diligently to repair the damage to Whitney Portal Road and reopen the road as soon as possible. The county has received funding from the Federal Highway Administration to help cover the costs of the repairs.

For more information about the Whitney Portal Road Reconstruction Project, please visit the Inyo County Public Works website at
